
Saturday, 22 March 2025

19:30 - 22:00
Giffard Arms, Wolverhampton, WV1 3NX

Presented by Livewire

More Information (WCR FM is not responsible for external websites)

LiveWire and The Giffard Arms presents Headsticks Saturday 22nd March 2025.

Joining them shall be Mat Johnson and Not Quite Dead Yet

Doors open 7:30pm

With stunning receptions at this year's two Beautiful Days festival shows which epitomised the energy, spirit, and raw passion of Headsticks, this band are proving themselves to be an irresistible addition to any line up.

With an ever growing fanbase at their side, Headsticks are reaching new heights with their self proclaimed 'Revolutionary Punk Roots Rock'n'Roll' which has cross genre appeal seeing the band gaining endless plaudits from pillars of the Folk/Roots, Post Punk, Punk, and even the rock and blues fraternities.


Giffard Arms
64 Victoria St

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The event runs from 19:30 to 22:00 on the following dates.
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